I slowly brought to a boil 3 cups of last night's chicken broth, 3 cut-up carrots, 3 cut-up celery stalks, about 6 cups of water, a bay leaf, and some salt and a few dashes of dried parsley flakes. Then when the carrots were softened a bit, I added Tinkyada's brown rice pasta. I boiled that for a few minutes and then let simmer for about 25 minutes before poritioning out bowls of soup.
In all, I had 6 full-meal size servings of soup. I placed three servings in zip-lock containers and put them in the freezer for future meals. I've had good luck before with freezing soup with traditional noodles. I think the gf noodles will hold up well - I'll keep the blog world posted on the noodles' freezer success.
A little bit ab
out Tinkyada noodles - I've tried a few different styles of noodles from them and have been really happy. You boil the noodles for 1-2 minutes and then let them simmer for 20. And their packaging boasts that they are "not mushy." I would hope so! To me, they taste a lot like regularly noodles - just a little bit softer - but that could always be due to cooking times. They are currently on sale at Jewel for $3.39 a bag (save 40 cents!) in their organic foods aisle. These were the first gf noodles I tried when doing my expermient and I was really happy to get off to such a great start.
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