Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Office Potluck

What’s one of the scariest things to someone with food allergies or intolerances? A potluck. Every dish has a different chef with a different kitchen and numerous possibilities for a dusting of an allergen to cross an otherwise perfectly fine food. One of the girls at work was arranging a Halloween potluck. Since I’m saying yes to so many things, why not this? Worst case scenario, I would only be able to eat the dish I brought and the meatballs my boss was making (since she and I were already consulting my grocery guides to make sure her ingredients were safe.) In the end, about half of the people participating committed to making a dairy and gluten free dish! I had a plate full of food! I had chicken wings, watermelon, turkey meatballs, corn tortillas and a bean and corn dip, bruschetta (with gf crackers I keep hidden in my desk drawer) and a ham, goat cheese and chive roll. For the first time, I even had a raw dessert made with chocolate and almonds. Everything was very tasty and I was so happy (and extremely humbled) by the number of people who went out of their way to make food that I could also enjoy! The best part – I was not glutenized!

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